Saturday, October 1, 2011

Judgement Day by Andy Hayes

You're standing at judgement day. Alone, all alone in a big room,full of emptiness,no one is there for you. You alone are accountable for your actions. You stand there, in front of God---He is the judge and the jury, He is the prosecuter and the defense---He is dressed in white apparel and speaks with a bold thunderous vice. he instructs the prosecutor to make his case. then the prosecuter methodically makes his case. He lists the wrong that you've done,the people that you've hurt. And them, most incriminatingly, he tells of all the times that you should have helped people, but you stood by doing nothing. The prosecution rests.

Now the judge, in his thundering voice, asks the defense to present its case. The defense immediately rests. There is no defense for you. No way to justify your actions. No reasons why you didn't help the people you should have, only EXCUSES!!! Then the Judge asks you if have anything to say for yourself, you stand there, trembling, and try to speak. Nothing comes out. You gather yourself, you take a deep breath, still trembling, you start saying that you tried to live right, that you gave money to the church, that you didn't do anything really bad, "I never killed anybody," you say in a shaky voice.

Then you slowly shuffle your feet back a half step and stand there, trembling, waiting. Waiting for the verdict, yet already knowing the answer. You tremble even more. Your knees begin to shake, and you can't stop them. Then just as God begins to speak the verdict, Jesus steps out of nowhere and says that He'll take your place. He knows all the wrong you've done, but He's still willing to take your place. God asks him if He's sure. He nods his head, and God stares at you and says, "Do you realize how lucky you are?"

But this is not how it will happen. Jesus has already taken your place. He came to earth as a man, a mortal man. He left glory and took on mortality. He was tried and tempted just like you and I. Only he sinned not. He was the one and only worthy sacrifice. The only one that there was and the only one that there would ever be. He offered Himself as a sacrifice. He was beaten almost beyond recognition. Why? Because He loved us. He did nothing to deserve this treatment. But He was willing. He paid the price, the agonizing price. Nailed to the cross, for you and I. But it wasn't the nails that held him there. It was His love for us. His love, for the very people that were putting him to death held him to the cross---nowthat's love. It's a free gift, from Jesus to us.
He paid the price. He bought the ticket that will save you from an eternal death.

So where do you want to spend eternity?  Do you want an eternity where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth in eternal darkness? Or would you rather have an eternity that is so great that it can't even be described in words? The only thing we know about Heaven is that it will be an eternity with the one that loved us so much that God sent his only son to die for us. Your ticket is paid for ; all you have to do is accept it. Have you? Will you accept it today?

Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day to accept your reservation in Heaven This might be the last chance you get. You're not promised tomorrow. You're not even promised your next breath. Accept Christ today! Don't risk being one day too late. Imagine yourself in front of that judgement seat, God says, "Depart from me you worker of iniquity".

You begin to plead, "I was going to accept you! Really, I was! I was going to accept you tomorrow!"  But instead you end up in HELL all because you were one day too late. Don't let this be you! All you have to do is open your heart and accept Jesus. Will you accept him? Will you secure your eternity today?

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